- 夯实基础 lay a solid foundation
- 社群 community
- 复习 review
- 二义性 Ambiguity
- 讲师 lecturer
- 线程安全 thread safety
- 粒度 granularity
- 细粒度 fine-grained
- 粗粒度 coarse
- 表项 entry
- 负责 be responsible for
- 承担 take on
- 不现实 unrealistic
- 项目进度过半 project is halfway through. / Halfway through the project,
- 后续 follow-up
- 重构 refactor
- 只是时间早晚的问题。It’s just a matter of time
- 提出 propose
- 超时 timeout
- 开销 overhead
- 负担 burden
- 主动的 initiatively
- 主办方 organizer
- 鼓舞 cheers me up
- 走弯路take a wrong path
- 扩容 scale-up
- 商品 product
- 16分之一的概率:one out of sixteen
- 几个人物名字:
- Nicolai Josuttis
- 书籍:c++ standard library, c++ template guide
- universal initialize, initialization list
- Jason Turner
- made a lot of c++ videos
- optimize code such as based on locality principle
- Nicolai Josuttis
- c++ 难点
- rvalue reference
- template argument deduction
- smart pointer 删除器 deleter
- implicit type conversion
- multi threading
- 书籍:
- effective modern c++
- c++ concurrency in action
- the STL source code analyzation
- effective STL
- Inside The C++ Object Model
- Game Programming Patterns
# About this project
I spend a lot of time on this project. I am a beginner at javascript, so I spend a lot of time trying to understand the project. But it was too hard for me, so I found some references on GitHub and used their principle to write some code.
Some code I used from other github repo I already add comment in the code like CITATION------
- Mainly, some code was reference from here: https://github.com/austinjhunt/petrinet-webgme-designstudio
- The framework was reference from here: https://github.com/kecso/StateMachineJoint
- The template file(plugin and visulizer) of this project was generate by use Webgme-CLI: https://github.com/webgme/webgme-cli
- About the seed, I draw it on the isis website then download and inport it to this project.
# Files
My SimulatorController.js
and SimulatorPanel.js
is under the /src/visualizers
I can’t understand the logic for the plugin
. So I didn’t to that. My MyNewPlugin.js
file is just default one which generated by cli tools.
For the SimulatorPanel.js
. I can understand the logic but I really don’t know how to re-write it. So I use some code from github and I already cite it in the code as comment.